Monthly Weekly Daily List
February 2023
January 2023
Biennial Sports Day
We request the pleasure of your presence with our honourable management members & Dignitaries to witness our Biennial Sports Day.
December 2022
November 2022
children’s day celebration
Drawing competition will be conducted through newspapers and winners will be felicitated in school premises.
January 2022
Republic Day 2022
SOS Beltarodi hosted a “Flag Hoisting Ceremony” on 26th January 2022. 26th jan signifies the celebration of the empowerment of Indian citizens to select their government. SOS Beltarodi proudly acknowledged this joyous occasion and hosted a flag hoisting ceremony
June 2021
virtual farewell X Std 2020_21.
The event war graced by Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Rahamatkar the parent and Dean – Faculty of Engineering & Technology. In his address he talked about the need of positive thoughts, and opportunities in career. The Director of the Meghe group of Schools, Mrs Abha Meghe conveyed her best wishes for their bright future. The principal […]
December 2020
Mathematics Week
Aiming to bring awareness to the contributions of the renowned mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan, School of Scholars-Beltarodi celebrated National Mathematics Day on 22nd December 2020. Like every year, School of Scholars-Beltarodi organised various events for the celebration. However, the events were online this year. The events that took place over a week’s span (named Mathematics Week) […]
June 2020
Virtual Tree Plantation Drive
Tree Plantation means planting trees more and more. we cannot think our existance without trees. In our daily life trees are used in many ways. In order to live we need oxygen. Trees gives us oxygen, food and fruits. But our trees and forest are not sufficient in proportion in our total land area. to […]
May 2020
Online Drawing competition
Student of SOS beltarodi utilising their lockdown period by taking part in online competitions conducted by school.
February 2020
Atal Tinkering Fest
Atal Tinkering Fest Feb 2020
January 2020
Republic Day Celebration
Dear All, On the behalf of School Of Scholars, Beltarodi, We take the opportunity to cordially invite you on the auspicious occasion of 71st Republic Day Celebration on 26th january 2020 at 8:30am. We earnestly solicite your presence to grace the occasion.
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